Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pivot Tables

Pivot Tables are awesome.
Here are some YouTube Videos that help explain concepts for creating pivot tables in Access 2007.

And why should you care?
Pivot Table display meaningful information from a table of information about Widgets and Customers....
You have a table of data that contains a list of products, suppliers, customers, orders, order dates, inventory levels, etc. With a Pivot Table we could very easily and quickly find out:
  • How many customers ordered a particular product
  • What day of the week had the best sales
  • What city bought the most widgits...
  • How many widgets are on hand and the cost of this inventory
and so much more

Pivot tables can be created easily in Access and Excel. Excel 2010 even offers slicers, which are visual controls that allow you to quickly and easily filter your data in an interactive way. They float above the grid, like charts and shapes.

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